PhD Research and Beyond within EIS: Trials and Tribulation
Research has often been regarded as a “wicked problem”, an activity of informed curiosity when researchers state what they are doing when they don’t really know what they are doing. It is a process which is guided by a particular methodology the choice of which is based on the contextual setting of the research topic (the challenges) as well as the motivation for a solution (the deliverables). In this lecture, we will examine issues involved in research with particular emphasis on research in the field of Enterprise Information Systems (EIS). We will examine the issues underpinning the EIS domain, the emergence of research needs from digitisation, to interpretation and more recently to transformation of enterprises. Given this context, we will explore different research methodologies that may be deployed, such as those of Design Science Research, Action Research, Case Study, Survey Design, Mixed Methods and Qualitative Methods, each one of which is suited to different motivational characteristics of the underlying research goals. We will also explore the social dimension of research, including issues encountered by researchers in settings involving communities within their specific research environment as well as other related communities (e.g. the NEMO Summer School) and the broader EIS community. Branching out from a close research environment by exploiting gained experiences, towards collaborative initiatives, competing for research funding and helping the next generation of researchers will also be addressed in this lecture.
Lecture at NEMO2021
Date/Time: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 14:15