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Legal Note
The Open Model Initiative is a research project from the Knowledge Engineering research group of University of Vienna. We host subprojects for our modelling community. OMILAB (www.omilab.org) is the platform for metamodelling (creating modelling languages, tools and methods) while OpenModels (www.openmodels.at) is a place for creating models.
All icons from the Orientation page were designed by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com/).
Project Leader
o.Univ.-Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis
Research Group Knowledge Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Vienna
Phone: +43-1-4277-78910
Email: dk [at] dke.univie.ac.at
Iulia Vaidian
Research Group Knowledge Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Vienna
Phone: +43-1-4277-78943
Email: iulia.vaidan [at] univie.ac.at
University of Vienna
Research Group Knowledge Engineering
Waehringer Strasse 29
A-1090 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-4277-78903
Email: events [at] omilab.org
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Photographs: Copyright: University of Vienna, Franz Staffel. More information on request.
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Lützowufer 1
10785 Berlin
Phone +49 30 26 36 78 63
Email: info@omilab.org
Internet: http://www.omilab.org
Company related information according to § 5 TMG and § 55 RStV:
Authorised representative and responsible person: Prof. Knut Hinkelmann, Wilfrid Utz
Place of business: Berlin
Commercial register: Local Court (Amtsgericht - AG) Berlin Charlottenburg, number HRB 193863 B
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Copyright: Except where otherwise noticed this work is propriety of the OMiLAB gGmbH.
Structure and design Graphic concept, information structure and technical implementation are proprietary developments of the OMiLAB gGmbH. They have been adapted by Astrid Sarateanu.
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