Enterprise Modelling and Business Intelligence
Business Process Modelling (BPM) and Business Intelligence (BI) are two important areas in business informatics, which are treated, often rather separated from each other. Looking at the literature and the activities in the two areas shows that process modelling takes a look at the business from a more production and organizational oriented view, whereas business intelligence activities emphasize more the role of the customer in the business process. In this lecture we want to take a unified view onto these two approaches and show how BPM and BI support each other. For demonstration we use the activities of data understanding and data provisioning which are at the beginning of any BI activity. Due to the abundance of data on the Internet integration of traditional data sources and big data is a challenging task. We present a process model for data integration and show how this model can be realized using the ADOxx platform. The basic idea of the model is simultaneous processing of the data workflow and the associated workflow of the metadata which describe the data processing activities. Such a model supports better understanding of the data and extends traditional methods for accessing data quality.
Lecture at NEMO2019
Date/Time: Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 09:00