Modelling for Ambient Assistance
Ambient Assistance is a challenging field for software engineers and computer scientists in both, research and application, with lots of ques-tions to answer and technical solutions to find. The range of applications is broad and covers everyday situations in private and business envi-ronments as well as support for people with special needs. Using smart sensor based Activity Recognition Systems, life video analysis tech-niques as well as speech recognition human cen-tred assistance becomes feasible and affordable. Dealing with the support of humans, it is an in-terdisciplinary field affecting Psychology, Neu-rology, Medicine, Law, Philosophy, and others more. Models play a key role in ambient assistance sys-tems as they act as the integral means for data and knowledge acquisition, representation, evaluation and exchange for the various system components. The lecture will start with a short overview of already existing best practice examples and then work out the key notions and concepts that form the basis for domain specific modelling in this field concerning both, the application domain as well as the interfaces of an integrated ambient assistance system. A model-centered architecture for such kind of digital ecosystems will be presented. Students will gain deeper insight in two additional Parallel Working Groups that are headed by Dr. Judith Michael and Suneth Ranasinghe MSc.
Lecture at NEMO2018
Date/Time: Monday, July 23, 2018 at 10:00