A Meta-Modeling Method for IoT Using Process Algebra and Behavior Ontology
Things of IoT behave like living things behave in society. In order to understand the behavior of the things systematically, it is necessary to abstract the behavior in formal and collective patterns. In that perspective of abstracting behaviour of the things, this lecture presents a meta-modeling method to abstract the behavior in the patterns as follows. Firstly, the basic individual actions of the behavior are represented as movement actions in process algebra, called δ-Calculus, in a geo-temporal space, called GTS. Secondly, the actions of the things are grouped together in sequence as behaviours in ontology, called Behaviour Ontology, in an abstraction space, called n:2-lattice. In this way, the behavior of the things can be represented in mathematically structred patterns and be organzied hierachically in the collective patterns of population of the things. In the method, the requirements for the secure and safe behaviors will be specifed and verified using GTS Logic, and be represented as dynamic contraints in the lattice. Further the relations between the GTS space and the lattice space can be investigated. In order to show the applicability of the approach, an IoT example for Emergency Medical Systems will be used for demonstration on a tool, called SAVE. SAVE is a ptototype tool to specify, analyze, verify and evaulate distributed mobile real-time systems. It has been developed on ADOxx meta-modelling platform. At the end, the detailed architecture of the tool will be presented to show how effectively and efficiently the tool has been developed by using the basic facilities of ADOxx.
Lecture at NEMO2016
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 09:00