Capability Oriented Enterprise Knowledge Modelling: The CODEK approach
In order to address dynamic requirements of today’s business environments, Enterprise Modelling has shifted focus on more agile approaches that can offer designers the opportunity to dynamically configure enterprises depending on the requirements that arise as a result of changes in the enterprise domain and its ecosystem. This lecture will outline the key ideas and the main concepts of an approach known as CODEK (Capability Oriented Designs with Enterprise Knowledge). CODEK uses ‘business capabilities’ as a conceptual conduit that can integrate the contextual, service, operational and teleological viewpoints of organizations and enable integrated reasoning on enterprise requirements and evolutionary decisions. Further to introducing to the notion of capability in Enterprise Modelling the objective of this lecture is to demonstrate how a capability oriented approach can guide the design and evaluation of alternative enterprise models that meet the challenges of alignment and agility and define a number of challenges for researchers and practitioners alike.
Lecture at NEMO2016
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 10:00